On-device Ai

Verychat heavily utilizes on-device Ai to reduce the burden on servers and make Ai universally applicable.

Real-time Translation Service

Verychat's real-time translation AI model is embedded within the client, allowing users to translate messages instantly with a single toggle click after receiving them from the server. This system supports around 50 languages used globally and provides the best translation quality when the source language is English. The on-device AI operates independently from the server, ensuring very fast translation speeds, and is permanently free for all users.

Summarization Feature(Coming Soon)

Verychat offers a summarization feature powered by on-device AI. This function does not communicate with the server, making it more secure, and it's fast, with unlimited usage, permanently available for free. Users can use this summarization feature to save specific conversations in "Chat with Myself (Notes)."

Other On-device AI Features

Verychat plans to continue actively utilizing on-device AI technology to develop new features continuously. Your interest and anticipation are greatly appreciated.

Last updated