Channels Reward

Channels are the core content of Verychat, serving as a community platform where influencers share information and users with common interests can converse. Through this, users can communicate and int

Channel Subscription Rewards

To support channel activity, channel subscription rewards are available within Technomics. Channels with over 100 subscribers can receive rewards proportional to their subscriber count each month.

Distribution Conditions:

  • If the total channel subscribers are less than 10 million, each subscriber will receive 1 VERY per month.

  • If the total subscribers exceed 10 million, then 10,000,000 VERY are distributed monthly according to the proportion of subscribers per channel.

  • Formula: (My Channel Subscribers / Total Subscribers) * 10,000,000 VERY

  • Subscriber distribution will end once all 500 million coins have been distributed.

  • After this, a portion of the ecosystem's supply generated from advertising demand will be distributed as channel subscriber rewards.

Channel Activation Evaluation

To prevent abuse by "ghost channels" that only gather subscribers to receive rewards, channels scoring below a certain threshold based on the following activation evaluations will be excluded from receiving rewards:

  1. Interaction-Based Evaluation: The activity level of a channel is assessed by analyzing interactions (likes, comments, views, etc.). The frequency of interactions occurring without new posts over a specific period is checked.

  2. Activity Metrics Introduction: An internal metric that considers post frequency, content update cycles, and viewer engagement is developed to evaluate the activity level of each channel. Channels identified as active based on these metrics are selected for rewards.

  3. Subscriber Behavior Analysis: By analyzing the behavior of each subscriber, accounts that indiscriminately subscribe to multiple channels without real activity can be identified and excluded from reward calculations. This can be achieved through AI-powered deep learning analysis.

  4. Algorithm Improvement and AI Utilization: Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are used to analyze patterns and distinguish between ghost channels and subscribers, helping to identify channels and subscribers with real activity.

  5. Community Feedback: Direct feedback from users and channel operators can also be a crucial source of information. Inactive channels reported within the community are encouraged and reviewed to be considered during the reward distribution process.

Channel Staking Pool/Rewards

  • Channel Staking Pool/Rewards: To support channel activity, staking ecosystem rewards are set within the tokenomics, and a part of the recovered advertising fees is allocated to the channel staking pool. All holders can stake $VERY, but must designate a subscribed channel to do so.

  • Channel Owner Staking: Channel owners can stake $VERY in their own channels. Rewards for the $VERY staked by the channel owner are distributed with 20% going to the owner and 80% to the subscribers who have staked $VERY. This distribution structure encourages channel activation and subscriber participation, supporting the growth of the channel community.

Advertising Rewards

Channel owners can host advertisements that fit the channel's characteristics or preferences, or specific ad requests. Once the advertising budget is exhausted, the ad is automatically removed from the channel. Of the $VERY spent on ads, 50% is paid to the channel owner, 20% is allocated to the channel staking pool, and the remaining 30% is distributed to the company, layer 1, and layer 2 validators, each receiving 10%. This structure effectively utilizes advertising revenue to promote continuous growth of the channel and stability of the ecosystem.

Last updated