
Very Network Nodes can run on Windows with Intel and AMD x64 architecture CPUs.

Server (PC) Basics

  • The installation must be performed in an internet-enabled environment

  • Recommendations

    CPU: 4Core or faster Memory: 16GB or more Disk: 500GB or more (SSD recommended)

How to install

Applying Windows Defender Exception Settings

Node programs are not program-authenticated on Windows, so they require Defender exceptions to run correctly.

  • Create a "very node" folder on your desktop.

  • Windows Settings > Privacy & Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Virus & Threat Protection Settings (Manage Settings) > Exclusions (Add an Exclusion) > Folder (Select the very_node folder on your desktop)

  • Unzip files downloaded to the very_node folder

Enter your private key

  • Modify the key.json file by selecting "Edit in Notepad".

  • Enter your private key in the " " of "Paste a private key here" and click "Save"

Run the program

  • Right click on the VERY file and select "Run as administrator"

  • Ignore warning messages.

Successful Node Launch Screen

If you see the phrase Block synchronization started, the node is running normally. The Proof of Node reward will start when the number=xxxx is equal to the current block generation number. (Sync complete) The more powerful the PC, the faster the sync completes.

Last updated